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Wolfram Kernel
Execution environment

an internal representation of a current window (can be a notebook or projected cell), that contains the information of a live connection to it used by FrontSubmit, FrontFetch, FrontSlidesSelected and other functions.

It is produced by CurrentWindow.



You can attach an event listener to it. The following patterns are supported

  • "Closed" - fires, when a windows has been closed

It returns a wrapper for EventObject generated from the events of the given window. You can apply EventRemove on it to remove all handlers.


test = {0,1,0};

EventHandler[CurrentWindow[], {"Closed" -> Function[Null,
test = {1,0,0};

Graphics[{RGBColor[test // Offload], Disk[{0,0}, 1]}]

Try to reopen a window (reload) a disk must turn red.